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Symptoms of a Damaged PCM.

Author: admin Addtime: Dec 22, 2018 [Return]

When you get a “Check Engine” light, the first thing to do is to check the engine sub-systems. If all the systems are perfect, the next possibility can be a damaged PCM. Other than this, if you experience a trouble while starting or running your car, Poor Engine performance or stalling of your car engines; remember these can be signs of a bad PCM in your car.

Problems while starting your engine in the morning could be possibly due to damaged PCM and that too most probably, the Engine control units. After the diagnosis of the other engine parts, if you are completely convinced that your PCM is damaged, the only fix is replacing your PCM either partially or completely.

In most of the cases, once the PMC is damaged, rather than completely replacing it, we can even go for identifying the damaged subset of your PCM and replacing just the damaged part. The remaining units can be reassembled, and the PCM can be reused. Sometimes it becomes quite difficult to understand the damaged subset for a complicated model PCM. In such a case, it is always advisable to get the help of an expert mechanic to fix it.

It is very important that you know your PCM model is suitable for your car from the Engine make and the model of your car. If the PCM is not replaced with the right model, it will not function properly to give the best results.